This is a show about work.

But the worker isn’t here, so it’s down to you. You’ll clock in at the beginning. You’ll get short breaks at regular intervals. You’ll work in a team, and under your own initiative. You will be your own boss. You will be free.

★★★★★ The Scotsman, ★★★★★ The Guardian

Winner Best Interactive Theatre Adelaide Fringe 2023

Nominated for an Innovation Award at VAULT Festival 2020 

Invited Production at Caravan International Showcase 2022

Nominated for an OffWestEnd Award IDEA Production, 2022

Currently available for touring.

Our lives are dominated by going through the motions, the same actions each day, the same gestures repeating: Are we stuck in a loop? Are we stuck in a loop? Are we stuck in a loop?

Instructions is a show about the dying days of capitalism, performed by a different actor every day. The actor is the only person onstage, completely unprepared, being given instructions on a screen, and instructions through headphones. They are about to give the performance of a lifetime as, line-by-line, the borders between reality and fiction begin to blur. 

A surreal, horror-infused assault on the senses, Instructions is an experiment in how to live when we don’t know what’s coming next. 

Premiering at Summerhall 2024. Available for touring from Winter 2024. 

What are you looking for?

what are you looking for? is a 60-minute piece about Grindr. Four queer performers speak into microphones, a polyphonic stream-of-consciousness chorale for the digital world. It takes place over one night on Grindr, told through the messages sent by a group of gays. Bold, funny, occasionally shocking, it explores the ways queer desire, loneliness, and hedonism intersect, and the ways technology mediate our romantic and sexual lives. Some of the voices are looking for love, some for a quick hookup – as refrains echo between them, and rhythm becomes song, we offer a plaintive, chant – a paean to sensuality, exploring the ways apps have changed  relationships and opened up new ways of expressing what you are looking for, as well as closing down the avenues for meaningful connection. 

Research currently Arts Council England funded until Spring 2025.