produced by Eve Allin

text and concept by Nathan Ellis

dramaturgy by Ben Kulvichit and Sam Ward 

Lighting-design by Ben Kulvichit


Our lives are dominated by going through the motions, the same actions each day, the same gestures repeating: Are we stuck in a loop? Are we stuck in a loop? Are we stuck in a loop?

Instructions is a show about the dying days of capitalism, performed by a different actor every day. The actor is the only person onstage, completely unprepared, being given instructions on a screen, and instructions through headphones. They are about to give the performance of a lifetime as, line-by-line, the borders between reality and fiction begin to blur. 

A surreal, horror-infused assault on the senses, Instructions is an experiment in how to live when we don’t know what’s coming next. 

Premiering at Summerhall 2024. Available for touring from Winter 2024. 

Currently in development. Please contact to enquire.